65 Hatt Street

This property is situated on lot 3 of historical block 47. The long brick building at the north-west corner of Hatt Street and Memorial Square was originally owned by the Dundas Skating Rink Company. Erected in 1889, it was one of the largest such rinks in Ontario.

In early photographs of the building, the words “Dundas Curling and Skating Rink Co.” appear above the front entrance.

In the 1880s, Richard Wilson owned a three-story brick building which housed a printing office, meeting rooms, various other offices, and the skating rink. In 1889, the south part of lot 3 contained its own brick building that was used strictly as a skating and curling rink.

T.A. Wardell, brother of Alex, a mayor of the town, owned the Dundas Standard (later re-named Dundas Star). He ran for the offices of mayor and M.P.P. and was one of the earlier presidents of the rink company.

The structure was later acquired by the Valley City Manufacturing Company, whose main plant was located across the street. The manufacturer of church and institutional furniture used it as a warehouse.

During the 1950s and 1960s, it served as a garage and repair facility for the Canada Coach Lines bus company. For a time during that period, it also housed a small factory that made rubber wringer rollers for washing machines.

Since 2016, it has been the site of the Shawn and Ed Brewing Company, a craft brewing operation. The building’s interior was extensively renovated for this purpose. With its 19th  century appearance, the building is also occasionally used as a backdrop for film and television productions.

Sources- “The Valley Town”. Dundas Museum Archives. Picturesque Dundas 1896 ed. Town assessment rolls

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